I had the latest stable release installed (v2013.4.7) and tried to login to OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 on Linux.
This failed with the exception:
__"An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine."__
The sshd log contains the following entry:
__fatal: mm_answer_moduli: bad parameters: 1536 1536 1024__
This comes from a bug which was fixed in a later version of SSH.NET. When I installed the latest prerelease 2014.4.6-beta2, this problem disappeared.
__So users of Visual Studio 2015 who get the library via the NuGet Package Manager must be aware to include prerelease packages in order to get the fixed version, because the latest stable version is still buggy.__
This failed with the exception:
__"An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine."__
The sshd log contains the following entry:
__fatal: mm_answer_moduli: bad parameters: 1536 1536 1024__
This comes from a bug which was fixed in a later version of SSH.NET. When I installed the latest prerelease 2014.4.6-beta2, this problem disappeared.
__So users of Visual Studio 2015 who get the library via the NuGet Package Manager must be aware to include prerelease packages in order to get the fixed version, because the latest stable version is still buggy.__