Hi, we're getting this error after uploading more than ~10 files using the same SCP client instance:
[2015-11-23 14:36:00.3074] Renci.SshNet.Common.SshException: Failed to open a channel after 10 attempts.
at Renci.SshNet.Channels.ChannelSession.Open()
at Renci.SshNet.ScpClient.Download(String filename, Stream destination)
It works fine for uploading files. Creating a new instance of the SCP client for each download seems to work but it has some perf impact for our scenarios.
[2015-11-23 14:36:00.3074] Renci.SshNet.Common.SshException: Failed to open a channel after 10 attempts.
at Renci.SshNet.Channels.ChannelSession.Open()
at Renci.SshNet.ScpClient.Download(String filename, Stream destination)
It works fine for uploading files. Creating a new instance of the SCP client for each download seems to work but it has some perf impact for our scenarios.