Documentation in it's current state is nearly useless.
Each method, property, field etc simply has it's name as it's description.
I had to learn how to use this library via Google, as well as trial & error, and I still struggled a bit.
Please take the time to include more accurate descriptions, and some use cases / examples where needed.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: da_rinkes **
Each method, property, field etc simply has it's name as it's description.
I had to learn how to use this library via Google, as well as trial & error, and I still struggled a bit.
Please take the time to include more accurate descriptions, and some use cases / examples where needed.
Comments: ** Comment from web user: da_rinkes **
And the best you can do for the scientist is just opening an issue? I don't believe you ;)
Anyway, thanks for your contribution. We will see what will happen.