Comments: ** Comment from web user: drs2100 **
I am having this same issue. I am running an SFTP like I did with the previous package. The newest 2014.4.6 has an issue with aborting the connection on sftpClient.DownloadFile.
var client = new SftpClient(ip, port, username, password);
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
client.DownloadFile(file.FullName, memoryStream); //This is the offending line
var zipFile = new ZipArchive(memoryStream);
Using dotPeek to decompile the dll it looks like the below is the offending line
private void InternalUploadFile(Stream input, string path, Renci.SshNet.Sftp.Flags flags, SftpUploadAsyncResult asyncResult, Action<ulong> uploadCallback)
if (this._sftpSession == null)
throw new SshConnectionException("Client not connected.");
The _sftpSession is private so I cannot start session manually to handle this like below
protected override void OnConnected()
this._sftpSession = new SftpSession(this.Session, this.OperationTimeout, this.ConnectionInfo.Encoding);
Please help. Thank you.