BlockCipher.Encrypt fails if input message length is not a multiple of BlockSize. The error is "Invalid output buffer".
This seems to be due to the following code in EncryptBlock function of BlockCipher class:
var output = new byte[data.Length];
if (data.Length % this._blockSize > 0)
if (this._padding == null)
throw new ArgumentException("data");
data = this._padding.Pad(this._blockSize, data);
The size of output array is determined before the padding of input data. As a result, after the padding input array is longer than output array.
The same applies to Decrypt function.
This seems to be due to the following code in EncryptBlock function of BlockCipher class:
var output = new byte[data.Length];
if (data.Length % this._blockSize > 0)
if (this._padding == null)
throw new ArgumentException("data");
data = this._padding.Pad(this._blockSize, data);
The size of output array is determined before the padding of input data. As a result, after the padding input array is longer than output array.
The same applies to Decrypt function.