Function "partial void SocketRead(int length, ref byte[] buffer)":
if (_isDisconnecting)
throw new SshConnectionException("An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.", DisconnectReason.ConnectionLost);
receivedBytes is 0;
_isDisconnecting is true;
SshClient.Dispose() or SshClient.Disconnect() always throw exception :/
Comments: ** Comment from web user: DrumheadTed **
I believe that is the version I have. The only download I have ever executed from this site was in June, and I know I took the version at the top.[0A][0A]This is the code I am running. There is no issue iwth the connection, or the transfer. But the disconnect chokes whether I use it in a "Using" statement as shown below, or dimension the client, and then issue a Disconnect when done.[0A][0A] Using client As SftpClient = GetConnection()[0A][0A] Dim SaveStream As New FileStream(configDdxRootFolder() & configWdxInboundFolder() & pFileName, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.ReadWrite)[0A][0A] If client IsNot Nothing Then[0A] client.ChangeDirectory(configOisOutboundFolder)[0A] client.DownloadFile(pFileName, SaveStream)[0A] SaveStream.Close()[0A][0A] If pDeleteFromSource Then[0A] client.Delete(pFileName)[0A] End If[0A] 'client.Disconnect()[0A] returnValue = True[0A] Else[0A] returnValue = False[0A] End If[0A] End Using