Hi There,
today i recognized that you guys seem to use an invalid parameter-combination to SetSocketOption in Channels/ChannelForwardedTcpip.NET40.cs.
The [MSDN-Documentation](http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-DE/library/e160993d.aspx) states, that only for _SocketOptionLevel.Tcp_ the _SocketOptionName.NoDelay_ is defined. In your code you try to set it for _SocketOptionLevel.Socket_.
This seems to be silently ignored by Windows. But yields an SocketException "Access Denied" under mono und prevents the forwarding from working.
I've already made a patch for this, which will be uploaded right after filing this issue. ;)
Beside that: Thanks for this awesome library!
today i recognized that you guys seem to use an invalid parameter-combination to SetSocketOption in Channels/ChannelForwardedTcpip.NET40.cs.
The [MSDN-Documentation](http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-DE/library/e160993d.aspx) states, that only for _SocketOptionLevel.Tcp_ the _SocketOptionName.NoDelay_ is defined. In your code you try to set it for _SocketOptionLevel.Socket_.
This seems to be silently ignored by Windows. But yields an SocketException "Access Denied" under mono und prevents the forwarding from working.
I've already made a patch for this, which will be uploaded right after filing this issue. ;)
Beside that: Thanks for this awesome library!